尧光 yaoguang

From the Chinese Book of Shan Hai Jing: 'The mountain of Yao Guang is full of gold and jade' which, if translated directly as 'Yao Guang', means 'tall light'.
创意总监:罗雨石 Creative Director:LuoisLuo
策略总监:袁鹏 Strategy Director:PengYuan
项目组长:胡蝶 ProjectLeader:Tifa Hu
设计师:欧阳卓文 / 杨鑫浩 Designers :Glen OuYang / XinhaoYang
文策:罗雨 Copywriter:YuLuo / 客户经理:李易玲 Account Manager:Yiling Li
尧光,创立于2021年,隶属于上海复慕电子商务有限公司,为国风彩妆养肤品牌。 尧光以水墨山水艺术为灵感,结合现代科技资源,坚持国风原创。尧光坚信“彩妆不止修饰,更应恒时养肤”。品牌联合具有二十余年经验配方实验室,融汇全球科技资源,致力于营造若生妆效。
Yao Guang, founded in 2021, belongs to Shanghai Fumu E-commerce Co., Ltd., and is a national color makeup and skin care brand. Yao Guang is inspired by the ink and wash landscape art, combined with modern scientific and technological resources, and adheres to the original national style. Yao Guang firmly believes that "makeup is not only cosmetic, but also skin care at all times". The brand alliance has more than 20 years of experience in the formula laboratory, integrates global scientific and technological resources, and is committed to creating a cosmetic effect.

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Founded in 2022, Changxing Digital Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to the development of high-tech second-hand car trading.